What is your ROI for life?

CEOs are in charge of making strategic decisions to build sustainable success. Effective CEOs lead with a clear vision that is cohesively aligned with the mission and soundly rooted in the core values of the organization. While short-term goals are efficiently attained, successful CEOs also strategically invest on long-term objectives. The Return On Investment (ROI) on long-term investments will ultimately determine the sustainable success of the organization. There is nobody more qualified than you, to lead your own life as the CEO. How would you define success for your life?

In a world of materialistic and financially-driven definitions of success, have you ever wondered or struggled with defining your own success in life? We have been conditioned to believe that success is achieved through money, possessions, titles, or authority. But that’s not all you are--a dollar amount or Chief Whatever Officer, in charge of so many people. You can determine your own definition of success, and your own path to achieving it. You are cordially invited to define what you would like to achieve, learn how to strategize for, and measure your own success in life.

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The Life ROI - How to build a strategic plan for life with your most valuable asset

In this book, I share the Life ROI framework I have created, practiced, and refined over the years with real life cases from my own personal and professional journey. I sincerely hope the readers will enjoy the harmony of my direct and no-BS style of communication, transparent practice of vulnerability, and self-deprecating humor.

Click here to check out the eBook and paperback versions.

Click here to checkout the workbook designed to provide a tactical guidance for the readers to implement the framework demonstrated in “The Life ROI”.


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The Life ROI Tracker

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